Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Welcome... I know there are a lot of us here...

So let's hope we can find each other.
I moved here about a year ago and I haven't found a whole lot of open support. I am not sure if that is worded right. But anyhow, I know the social issues and struggles we/our kids face.  Even just wanting to relax and chat with someone who understands. I haven't had much of that I guess.

Add to that- if you are new to the island, autism, parenting, or any combination thereof, it can be a rocky road. Moving here without contacts or support, staying in hotels and moving around until base housing is available. Yuck. I would have LOVED to have something to grasp on to. I hope this can provide something for us all to grasp on to.
I once spoke with a social worker about becoming an on base in-home CDC provider for children with autism. I was saying that part of why I didn't want to go back to work or school was because I didnt know that I'd be able to find someone who truly knows what it is to care for a child with Autism, or who would take seriously things like Early Intervention.  I wanted to be able to provide that sense of security for someone who had to work, and may be feeling that same anxiety I had.  I told her the only thing was, I wasn't sure if there even were very many young children on base that even fit the bill.  Was there even a need for such a service?

Here's what you need to know- she is not allowed to say anything specifically about other clients.  Nothing.  Not even how many people she sees or where.  So her hands were tied; but she popped her eyes and brows and said, "I am sure the are are probably a lot!!!!" It was basically a catch the drift moment.  So that leads me to believe we are not alone.  We meaning: I am not alone here, and neither are you.

I am sure there are come some support groups on the island.  But considering the hours, childcare issues, etc...  I haven't found anything for me.  Adding in the specific issues that military families face is another thing all together. 

Obviously we have to be concerned with OPSEC, and we have to be concerned with our own families safety.  What I am suggesting with this blog, is that we use it as a place to find each other.  We can encourage each other, advise each other, share tips.  I want to encourage anyone that finds this page looking for military support for autism on the island of Oahu to start a blog. You would be amazed by the support of the autism blogoshpere.  But you can use it to link up here and talk more about local issues with each other through blog posts and comments.  And if you get to know someone well enough that you feel safe exchanging emails or meeting in a safe public location- by all means do what you do.  But at least there is an option for some sort of relevant support.

Imagine if we could network together to share information on Dr.s on island or at Tripler for example.  Recommendations for pediatric dentists, MWR events... info on local elementary schools and their special education/preschool programs.  You name it.  There is so much to be shared, in my opinion.  If nothing else, I hope I can someday give some support to even just one person who finds themselves in my shoes from once upon a time. 

I think we all know how alone we can be in military life.  But we also know it doesn't have to stay that way.

My littlest one and I at Manoa Falls